Fine Arts Club

The human body was seen as a vehicle of worship and thus performances become acts of invoking the divine. By 200 AD at the latest, as stated above, the complicated techniques of dance-like acting, as well as the rasa system, were codified in the Natyashastra. It is significant that in the Indian tradition it is dance, a temporal and corporal form of art, which is regarded as the ascendant art form. In Indian thought, dance, and all art, is basically a religious sacrifice (yajna). Art is also regarded as a form of yoga and a discipline (sadhana). Through the creation of a work of art the artist/craftsman strives to evoke a state of pure joy or bliss (ananda).


Our students are more passionate in art. It is our responsibility to empower them in art. It is a place for those students to try new techniques and mediums of an art where Students can participate in competition, workshops and exhibitions. Being the coordinators of this club is our responsibility to make this club a Success.


Our vision is to create a platform for the students to showcase and also train to make them excel in their creative skills.


  • To develop pupils' independence, interest, resourcefulness & creativity in the use of ideas, materials, tools and techniques
  • To develop a deep and lasting enjoying of art that will carry over into life.
  • To encourage students to express their thoughts, feelings and creativity through the various visual art forms.




  • Learn to appreciate art and culture
  • Enhances creativity
  • Sharpens skills of decision making


One workshop conducted by an artist/ architect for various types of painting, functional sculptures, traditional art & crafts etc.
Arranging for exhibitions in the campus, after the workshop where students can market their products.
One Art Competition, ART FEST- a state level competition is conducted in our campus for young aspirants to showcase their talents
ART EDUCATING PROGRAMMES IN SCHOOLS - This will help the school students to know about the design courses. 50 schools are visited every year for the purpose of art education.



Guidelines / Rules & Regulations for each event
  • Each participant should carry identity proof
  • Students taking part in the events should register on the day of the fest at the registration committee. On spot entry is not obliged.
  • Students should refrain from any form of cheating and unfair play, failing which they will be disqualified.
  • The judges‟ decision is final.
  • Participants should go through the event rules and adhere to the specifics. Participation, props, music etc. for certain events should be confirmed. Pre￾registration if required by contacting the event head.
  • A participant can participate only in one event during the simultaneous timings for events; a participant is not restricted to participation in any number of events as long as the event timings do not clash.
  • All the events will commence at the scheduled time; Punctuality will be appreciated.
  • Rules are subject to changes at the discretion of the Management/Organizers.
  • Criteria for Overall championship include participation in maximum number of events as well as the total scores obtained in the competitions.
  • Club posters and advertisements must have the full name of the college, club name and event easily visible.
  • Online conduct by all organizations through social media must still abide by the College‟s Social and Academic Honour Code.
  • All club finances must be run through the Overall club co-ordinator, Faculty incharge, Student co-ordinator, including spending, revenue and advertising accounts.


  • To co-operate with any other club, having objectives similar to those of the Association, and formed for the purpose of fostering and promoting activities similar to the Association
  • The club members should work as a team and the uplift the club‟s values
  • Make a commitment to providing quality service and performance
  • Promote the interests of clubs
  • Be a positive role model.
  • Be fair, considerate and honest with others.
  • Be professional in all actions.
  • Maintain high standards of integrity
  • Be treated fairly, equally and with respect by the Association, its Committee and other members.
  • Socialise in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination.
  • Privacy and confidentiality concerning records, documentation and any other communication containing a member‟s personal information, unless consent is otherwise provided.
  • Be informed and actively involved in all club events and offerings.


To help the students work as a team in organizing and conducting events/ workshops The students frequently communicate with the club members of their respective clubs in neighbouring colleges and regions giving them wide exposure of what are happening around them with respect to their clubs also making them participate in events, competitions and workshop.


Position Name of Official Year
Faculty In-charge Mr. Anil Kumar NA
Assisting Faculty Member NA NA
President(Student) Caroline Fifth year Tenth semester
Vice President(Student) Vignesh S V Fourth year Eighth semester
Secretary(Student) Renuka Second year Fourth semester
Joint Secretary(Student) Sunith First year Second semester
Treasurer(Student) Amal Krishna Second year Fourth semester
Executive Committee Member 1 (Student) Agnes Dora Fifth year Tenth semester
Executive Committee Member 2 (Student) Abhiram Third year Sixth semester


Name of Student Position Year
Agnes Dora B.Arch Tenth
Caroline B.Arch Tenth
Amal Krishna B.Arch Eighth
Saju B.Arch Eighth
Vaishak B.Arch Eighth
Priscilla B.Arch Eighth
Vignesh S V B.Arch Eighth
Anushma B.Arch Sixth
Bency B.Arch Sixth
Binu Sebastin B.Arch Sixth
Amlin Laura B.Arch Sixth
Abhiram B.Arch Sixth
Harihara Sundar Rajan B.Arch Sixth
Rashma Blessy B.Arch Sixth
Benin Rejo B.Arch Fourth
Annshiya B.Arch Fourth
Renuka B.Arch Fourth
Blessin B.Arch Fourth
Elakiya Mary B.Arch Fourth
Abishek B.Arch Second
Mopitta Ashmi B.Arch Second
Pemina B.Arch Second
Sunith B.Arch Second


Terms and Conditions to avail Membership
  • The students should contact the faculty in-charge of the respective club and apply online or in-person.
  • The students will be instructed on the rules and regulations including the code of conduct set by the club.
  • The students are required to pay the membership and subscription fees on the date of joining.
  • It is mandatory for a student to be a member in atleast one club
Validity of Membership

The validity of the membership lasts for one year
The students can change or enrol in other clubs if vacancy is available

Membership fees

One year– Rs.500 (for membership in one club)
The fees includes the cost of events/ competitions/ workshops conducted through the club